Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Norway Continues its Abuse

Watch this video and see the dangers of a country which has become abusive and intolerant of Christian practices and beliefs. Are we talking about China? North Korea? Saudi Arabia? No... Norway. Just watch.

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Norway Persecutes Romanian Family... for Being Christian

More than 500 years ago, Christians fled religious persecution in Europe to seek a new life in America where they could practice their faith in peace. If you think Europe has changed, you’d be wrong... at least as far as Norway is concerned. In November of last year, just five months ago, the Norwegian government seized five young children from a Romanian-Christian family. The charge against the family: “Christian indoctrination.” In short, the family was charged with teaching Christian values! It would be like the US government seizing children because they were going to Sunday School!

Teaching is as fundamental to parenting as breathing is to living. Parents begin teaching their children right from wrong as soon as a new child enters the family.  In hundreds of places throughout the Bible, Christian parents are encouraged to teach their children. . By forbidding “Christian indoctrination”, Norway is effectively prohibiting Christians from having children and parenting them. It’s hard to imagine a more clear violation of a basic human right!

If you believe in religious freedom and the sacred right of families, not governments, to raise children, you need to read about what happened to this family and then to do something about it. There are three things you can do right away. First, write a letter to the Norwegian ambassador to the US (emb.washington@mfa.no). Second, sign the petition supporting the family and condemning the Norwegian government for its actions (http://www.ipetitions.com/petition/christian-family-persecuted). Third, go to the protest happening this Saturday at 9am in downtown Seattle (Seattle, Washington – 9:00 AM, Location: 401 Pine St, Seattle, WA 98101).

Read more about the case of the Bodnariu family by clicking here.